

While it may be arguable whether the announcement of the next phase of the UK’s open banking programme was as highly anticipated as the grand finale to HBO’s Succession, for the payment services industry a clear route to the future is much needed.

But are we any closer to understanding what that future may look like in the UK following the 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台t Regulatory Oversight Committee’s (“JROC”) publishing its 对开放银行未来的建议 (2023年4月)及其 落实这些建议的工作方案 (2023年6月)? Much like any given coup the Roy siblings are running with on a particular day, 答案并不是特别直截了当.


The current model of open banking in the UK is driven through the Open Banking Implementation Entity (the “奥比奖”). The 奥比奖 came about as a result of the Competition and Market Authority’s (the “CMA”) Retail Banking Market Investigation Order (published in 2017) (the “Order”) which directed some of the major UK banks to facilitate open banking by reference to a roadmap. The 奥比奖 has, to date, been the key driver in implementing the Order and the accompanying roadmap.

订单, 引申开来, 的奥比奖, 开放银行的发展一直是治本之策吗. 这是由CMA宣布的, 在它看来, the terms of the Order had been achieved by the major banks and 的奥比奖’s functions could transition to a successor body – which the CMA duly did in January 2023.


由金融市场行为监管局(“葬礼”)组成, 支付系统监管机构(“PSR”), 英国财政部和CMA, the 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台t Regulatory Oversight Committee (the “JROC”) was formed to lead in formulating open banking’s future and picking (or rather, 创建)奥比奖的继任者.

2023年4月,JROC公布了期待已久的 建议论文 十大网博靠谱平台英国开放银行的下一阶段, 以三项重点工作为指引,协助实现开放银行业务的愿景:

  • establishing a sustainable and competitive footing for the ongoing development of the open banking ecosystem;
  • unlocking the potential for open banking payments; and
  • 为未来的数据共享主张采用可扩展的模型.

The JROC has identified a catalogue of actions needing to be taken between now and the end of 2024. If you need a reminder of what the programme of work being proposed looks like, 下表说明了这一点.

 主题 工作活动 老板 时间尺度 
 提升可用性和性能 为API可用性和性能设计一个数据收集框架, 并提交葬礼和PSR批准 奥比奖(以及更广泛的生态系统) Q2 2023
 在葬礼和PSR批准后进行数据收集和分析 奥比奖 Q3 2023
 Consult on changes requiring reporting additional data for API availability and performance 葬礼
 Q2 2024
 降低金融犯罪风险 Assess conformance with the 葬礼’s existing guidance in relation to payment limits ASPSPs Q2 2023
 Design a data collection framework for financial crime 并提交葬礼和PSR批准 奥比奖(以及更广泛的生态系统) Q2 2023
 Conduct the financial crime data collection and analyse data following 葬礼 and PSR approval 奥比奖 Q3 2023
 Implement the use of open banking based data sharing in Faster 支付ments to reduce fraud 奥比奖
 Q4 2023
 Implement effective financial crime prevention tools for third party providers and ASPSPs 奥比奖(及其未来的继任者) Q1 2024
 Consider how API based data sharing can be broadened out beyond authorised push payment fraud and report findings to 葬礼 and PSR 奥比奖
 Q1 2024
 就强制数据共享进行咨询,  the use of financial crime prevention tools (including data sharing) and/or additional tools or requirements for high value payments 葬礼
 Q2 2024
 确保在出现问题时有效保护消费者 对争议过程进行差距分析 奥比奖(及其未来的继任者) Q4 2023
 Consult on additional dispute process or protection requirements in open banking 葬礼
 Q2 2024
 改善流向第三方提供商的信息流 Perform a gap analysis of consistent and definitive payment statuses in Faster 支付ments and open banking 奥比奖
 Q3 2023
 就错误代码要求的变更进行咨询 葬礼 Q4 2023
 Consider whether the alignment between open banking and Faster 支付ments error messages is needed PSR Q4 2023
 Consult to require consistent and definitive message regarding the payment status 葬礼
 Q2 2024
 推广更多的开放式银行服务 Publish terms of reference for a working group on expanding VRP beyond sweeping use cases 葬礼
 Q2 2023
 Publish a discussion paper on principles for commercial frameworks for premium APIs 葬礼
 Q2 2023
 Draft a delivery plan and framework to enable a phased roll out of non-sweeping VRP VRP工作组 Q3 2023
 Consult on changes to Faster 支付ments to enable a phased roll out of non-sweeping VRP PSR Q4 2023
 Conduct consumer research to identify critical and future use cases and risks for (vulnerable) consumers 葬礼
 Q4 2023
 Consult on requirements to support non-sweeping VRP roll out and/or to adopt a wider multilateral agreement for premium APIs 葬礼
 Q2 2024


简而言之, it is an incredibly extensive and ambitious programme requiring contribution and collaboration from nearly all players within the payment ecosystem, 奥比奖(及其未来的继任者)占据了最大的份额. The future of open banking in the UK will invariably rest on the successful implementation and outcomes this work generates. 


6月,JROC不失时机地向前迈进, not least because the timescales for the work are challenging to say the least. Working groups have now been formed focussing on the creation of 的奥比奖’s successor and the expansion of variable recurring payments, 奥比奖被授予了 长长的待办事项清单. 但我们能期待一个革命的夏天吗, 业内有多少人认为开放银行业如此迫切需要? 可能不是. 葬礼的目光可能被惊呆了, 至少在中短期内是这样, on championing its latest industry-wide piece of regulatory change – the Consumer Duty. 这仍然是城镇的话题,人们想知道是否开放银行, 以及推动它向前发展所需的工作规模, 暂时还在它的阴影里.

So, while we may not have a clear answer to what open banking will look like five years from now, 我们至少有一个行动计划. 还有待观察的是政府会以多快的速度, 监管机构和参与者都愿意朝着旅行的方向前进. Stay tuned over the coming months, this story arc is not going to be wrapped up neatly anytime soon.

