


作为屡获殊荣的咨询公司Informed Solutions的招聘主管, I have 学习ed that delivering success to the business is a collaborative experience. Having spent many years recruiting for and working in both small and multi-national companies, 在理解角色方面,我处于一个相当好的位置, 人与企业文化. 对于那些认为招聘主管的角色在不断增长的人, high-performing digital transformation consultancy is just a case of sending CVs round the business, 再想一想,继续往下读.

Nick Chadwick, Informed Solutions全球招聘主管

是的, 这份工作需要大量的招聘实践——筛选简历, 面试, 引导候选人通过一个精心构建的过程,最终取得成功. But it also requires collaboration across the whole business – identifying the talents required for today’s and tomorrow’s digital transformation challenges and then building talent databases that map against those requirements. A significant part of the role relates to attracting the right talent to the business through employer branding, 共同设计招聘策略,并与招聘联盟伙伴合作, from agencies to select universities and regional digital communities like 十大网博靠谱平台的数字.

我们想要什么样的人? 我们怎样才能使招聘过程更好? 我们如何建立我们作为首选雇主的声誉? How can we develop processes and ways of working that will make our jobs – at every stage of the process – easier and more intuitive? 那入职和入职呢? 我们怎样才能使这段时间成为新人最有成效的时间? How do we instil our culture and values into our new people quickly and effectively?

Answering all of these questions adds to the pace and variety of the talent challenge that keeps our teams in a constant state of collaboration. 在一家充满了非常聪明的问题解决者的公司工作, 这种合作往往是自然而然的, 动态有效.

作为人员服务团队的一员(我们与人一起工作, not barrels of crude oil or pallets of white goods) by far the most important thing that everyone in the business has given us is generosity, 尤其是考虑到他们宝贵的时间.

Informed的团队都非常忙, designing and developing world class digital services for globally recognised organisations. 但人们已经付出了时间. 是时候了解他们的团队了, 他们的客户和挑战, their likes and dislikes - all in order to get a true and accurate feel for the kind of talent needed to both Informed and 我们的客户 thrive.

我的工作就是倾听, 学习, consider and suggest ways we can approach these requirements and continue to deliver and retain the people we want to help our business grow through these extremely challenging and competitive times.

The responsibilities of this role are significant – to be able to attract the right talent is a complex challenge.  It’s a bit of a cliché, but no two days are the same - and that is exactly why I love it.   I get the opportunity to work every day with bright, committed, supportive and collaborative people.

我们按节奏工作. 我们的客户只接受最好的,所以我们也不应该接受.  This is why we are constantly looking at ways to constantly improve every aspect of our talent attraction and retention activity.

My view is clear:  To effectively implement both short and long-term talent strategies, 整个企业的支持必须是真实的. 这种真实性只能通过有效的沟通来实现, 清晰的方向, 出色的团队合作以及实现目标的愿望和奉献精神. All of these things must be mixed with true and effective collaboration for the best chance of success.

For more insights about life at Informed, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter, go to our website at www.通知.com,如果你喜欢我们的内容,请十大网博靠谱平台.

在Informed Solutions寻找工作机会


十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by globally recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by globally recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by globally recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.Founded in 1992, we are a successful, growing International digital transformation consultancy. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by globally recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.Our purpose is to create economic and social value by helping to build a more 包容, 公平, and safe society through ethical use of technology and data and investing in digital skills.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation challenges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.Why We Work at InformedLearn more about life at Informed Solutions by going to Informed.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

